Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Letter to Xander #1 - Newborn

Dear Seth,

Here is the first letter to Xander. Hope you like it. P.S. Isn't his picture cute?

My dear, sweet child,

This is the only letter I’ve written to someone who isn’t even in this world yet. I wonder what it’s like for you where you are now. I wonder if you’re getting impatient with me and anxious at the same time to come into this world like I am to meet you. I imagine you may be a little nervous too; it’s a scary place sometimes. But don’t worry—I’ll take good care of you.
I dream about you a lot. I picture you as a handsome little baby boy with your dad’s blue eyes and big head. I can’t wait to meet you, but let’s not be too hasty—first things first.
1) Always love your father. Show him the respect that he deserves. Show him your respect with words and actions, obey him, listen to his counsel, for he is wise in many ways and will be a great source of guidance to you. Your father will always be there for you. We will always be there for you. If I can give you a few pieces of knowledge, then let the first be that I love your father; I love him more than life itself. And he always fights for and protects his own.
2) You will always have someone looking out for you. I want you to come into your beliefs at your own time, but know that there is no greater feeling of peace in the world when He is the one who is your center and looks out for you.
3) You are a special little boy, always know you are here for a specific purpose. You will reach many people within your lifetime. You will have great influence to stand for the truth and righteousness in your thoughts, words, and actions. You will lift the hands that hang low and comfort the heavy hearted with words of truth that bring peace. You’re life will be one of light and influence, so always make smart choices, and think ahead to the consequences and not just in the here and now of the moment.
4) Know that only you are in charge of your destiny and no one else. You make things happen, they don’t just happen. Try to always look at the glass half full. Worry won’t get you anywhere but just make you feel heavy hearted.
5) Some days you have will be bad. So if you flunk a test, have a really bad break up, or miss someone so much it hurts, lay down and listen to music. Music will help save your life and get you through the bumps in the road.
6) When you choose your friends, choose wisely. My best friend is someone who is funny, intelligent, creative, beautifule, and very kind. So if you are ever in any kind of trouble and your dad and I are not around, know you can always, call Mary. I can’t think of anyone I would rather have watch over you.

I hope you understand how big of a life change this will be for both your father and I. I thought I’d be at a different part of my life when I was ready to have you, but lately I’ve been thinking about you all the time. I think your dad and I are both ready for you to be here. I’m not saying things are going to be perfect right away… actually they’ll never be perfect. If I’ve learned anything in my 25 years of life, it’s that things don’t always go the way you plan. But I’m a firm believer in the fact that everything happens for a reason. No matter the challenges we face as a family, I promise to love you more than anything.

I’ve heard it said time and again that once a mother holds her baby in her arms, the amount of love that swells in her heart is overwhelming. It’s something I’ve been told I can’t imagine until I experience it. For me, it’s not that hard to believe, actually. Though we haven’t met, I love you already. I know my love for you can only grow, and I’m excited for that. I’m excited to meet you. I pray for you to be happy and healthy. I only want the best for you. I thank God for you.


Your Mommy

Love Shannon

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