Monday, May 23, 2011

Embracing Life

Dear Seth,

This week my family has been sick, sick, and more sick!  Sick with colds, flu, exhaustion and many other little ailments along the way. I wonder if we can conside whining one? Lol  It has been a vicious cycle which really took its toll on our spirits and had us wondering if we were ever going to be “us” again. 

Today is the anniversary of the death of my cousin that was probably more like a brother than just a cousin to me in all honesty. It makes me sad to see all that has happened and he is not here, bu then again, he has the best seat in the house with God and my grandma. There was a huge tornado that hit close to home for a lot of families.

Now with all that being said, it kind of make me just want to push back against the world to say we are all still standing, and that although some our down, we are not out. Gratitude is something that comes to all of us eventually, kids or no kids, as we face enough of life’s challenges and come to the sobering realization that life can be really, really, really hard and unpleasant and downright awful sometimes. Believe me when I tell you that when you face enough shouts from angry customers or red marks from hard to please professors and disrespectful comments from disrespectful people who are supposed to know better, you learn really quickly how to be grateful for those who approach life and humanity in the way that God intended…with respect and courtesy and love.

And I think that I just would like to embrace this and stop putting off all the plans to do better or be better. Take what we have and make those blessings multiply and to share with others. So afer I recover tomorrow, I just want to embrace life, make it time for a change, move forward and stick with that. So to all those who are with me, lets just stopping off our tomorrows and live for today.

"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." Psalm 139:9, 10

I love you, I'll be back soon.



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